Mallorca strand playa es trenc
Playa es trenc pauschalreise Es Trenc Beach in Mallorca is one of the most famous, beautiful and recommended beaches in Mallorca. Also, as you can imagine, it is also one of the most visited beaches in Mallorca. With its crystal clear waters and fine sand, it is an excellent plan during the summer to spend a day at the beach. A visit to Es Trenc Beach can also be combined.
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Die besten Möglichkeiten, die Sehenswürdigkeit Platja d'es Trenc und ähnliche Highlights in der Umgebung zu erleben. Mallorca Es Trenc Beach Day Tour mit Hotelabholung. 6. Ganztägige Touren. ab. 27,00€. pro Erwachsenem. Es Trenc-Strand-Tagestour von Palma de Mallorca. 3.Es trenc parken Es Trenc is a seven-kilometre long natural beach on the south coast of Mallorca, with its white sand, turquoise sea and the flat dunes making it one of the most beautiful beaches in Spain. Es Trenc's seven kilometres is a fascinating stretch of beach with an ambience that feels decidedly Caribbean. The pearl-white sand of the metre-wide.
Mallorca es trenc Es Trenc et attractions proches: les meilleures façons d'en profiter. Excursion d'une journée à la plage de Majorque Es Trenc avec prise en charge à l'hôtel. 6. Circuits d'une journée complète. à partir de. 27,00€. par adulte. Excursion d'une journée à la plage d'Es Trenc au départ de Palma de Majorque. 3.